Salient Features

The school has ultra modern multi-storied building with class rooms which are well-ventilated, fully furnished and well-equipped.

  • A well stocked library cum reading room with more than 5000 books, large no. of journals, periodicals and reference books.
  • Smart class enabled classroom.
  • Fully equipped Science Labs for Physics, Chemistry and Biology .
  • Audio-visual room with LCD projector with document camera and Slide Projector.
  • Audio-visual room with LCD projector with document camera and Slide Projector.
  • 30 computers with latest technology, scanner, printer.
  • Round the clock internet facility.
  • Sprawling lush green lawns.
  • Children’s park with attractive swings.
  • Well stocked and well furnished Play Area for KG section.
  • Water coolers equipped with water purifiers on everyone.
  • Power backup for uninterrupted electricity supply.
  • Submersible pumps.


  • The school expects cooperation of the parents to ensure that the children;
    a. Come to school regularly and punctually, dressed neatly and correctly.
    b. Bring to school their books and notebooks strictly as per the schedule for the day.
    c. Do their homework regularly.
  • All class assessments, assignments and project files must be maintained properly.
  • Parents or guardians are not permitted to walk into the classrooms to meet the teachers. Parents must always wait for the teacher at the school reception.
  • Kindly maintain decorum in the School premises.
  • Parents must drop their wards in school well in time. Punctuality can be taught only by example.
  • Parents must instruct the drivers engaged by them for dropping their wards not to smoke, use alcohol or any other drug while transporting children. Name, address and contact number of the driver must be submitted to the class teacher.
  • we do not allow parents or their servants/drivers to deliver lunch during recess.
  • No money should be given to the children to make purchases on the way to school or back home. Any money found with the children will be confiscated.
  • Parents are requested to attend parent teacher meetings or meet the class teacher as and when invited in the best interest of the student.
  • No private tutor should be engaged just for the completion of H.W. Regular tuitions do not help weak students rather they become dependent on tutor.
  • Parents are requested to maintain a file of school circulars, assignments, extra study material, annual report cards, fee slips/ receipts etc of their ward. Duplicate assignments will not be provided near the examination. Duplicate report card can be issued only after depositing Rs. 100/- per report card.
  • MEDICAL LEAVE: If a student is likely to be absent due to prolonged illness, the class teacher must be informed as soon as possible. In case of any infectious disease (Chickenpox, Measles, Mumps, Whooping cough, Conjuctivitis etc.) parents must report the facts to the class teacher at once and should not send the child to class till the period of quarantine is over. Leave application must be supported by medical certificate from treating doctor.
  • Parents are requested to notify the school immediately regarding any change in their address, contact no or driver etc.
  • Parents are informed that their wards will be sent home after three warnings:
    a. for arriving late
    b. for not wearing proper and neat uniform
    c. for creating indiscipline in the class/ school bus.